Beyond The Barrier

Experimental. Ambient, Electronic Music – Travel Beyond

BTB #092 – Waves

This week’s program is inspired by the music of Max Richter.  Specifically the recording “Three Worlds – Music from Woolf Works”.  I was fortunate to see the American Ballet Theater in NYC perform this work and it was inspiring movement from the dancers and a tidal wave of emotion form the music.  I start the proem with “The Waves:Tuesday” from this recording.

Head over to for more information on the recording and this week’ playlist.

Also music from myself from my 2021 release “Static Movement”, David Helpling, Thom Brennan, Steve Roach, Max Corbacho, Terry Oldfield, Jonathan Goldman, Field Lines Cartographer, Mind Over MIDI, Lars Leonard, Robert Scott Thompson, and Jeff Pearce.  Waves of Emotion, Enjoy!!

This Week’s Featured Recording:

This Week’s Playlist: