Beyond The Barrier

Experimental. Ambient, Electronic Music – Travel Beyond

Submit Your Music!

Send files and links to me here:

I would love to play your music on Beyond The Barrier. Digital Files are easiest but I will accept CDs and Vinyl if that is your preferred format. Please email me for a shipping address.

Feel free to send Bandcamp Download codes or links to shared services where you have uploaded files. Music should fall into the broad categories of Electronic, Experimental or Ambient music. If you are unsure of where your music fits please send it anyway! I will listen and evaluate each tune that is sent and if it fits a future show theme you may hear it on the air.

I cannot respond to all artists submitting music but if you send it, I surely will receive it and will listen to it. I love new music, these genres and promoting all what you do. If I can get your work on the show I will.

I am also looking for live recorded tunes that are not released yet or are not meant to be released to feature at the end of every show. A lot of what we compose are one time songs that each time will be a little bit different. Capturing those live performances is unique and special and shows the mastery of what we do. Send me these live performances as well.

Do include any Press Releases, images or One Sheets that further explain your music.

I look forward to our journey together!

Musically Yours,
