Beyond The Barrier

Experimental. Ambient, Electronic Music – Travel Beyond

Beyond The Barrier #98 – New Journeys

This week we listen to all new Electronic, Experimental and Ambient music, taking us on new and unexpected journeys!  The feature recording of the week is "Singing Poet Society™" by Tony Gerber.  Find out more about that recording and this week's playlist at Also new music from Christian Fiesel, Starterra, Martin Stürtzer, Dead Melodies, Christian Wittman, Steve Roach, Protou, Oxia Palace, latome2, Pietro Zoo,...

Beyond The Barrier #97 – Storms

This week's program is about the turbulent, chaotic and to some of us calming nature of storms.  Inspired by "The Magnetic Reconnection", the latest recording from René van der Wooden.  For more information on this recording and to see this week's playlist head over to Also music from Stormloop, Roberto Diedo, Kazuma Okabayashi, Applefish, Fionnlagh, Jeff Grienke, Craig Padilla & Marvin Allen, Dave Buxton,...